Sunday 25 September 2016

#10 Draw a shadowy image

SHADOWY (Oxford English Dictionary)
  1. Full of shadows
  2. Of uncertain identity or nature
  3. Insubstantial; unreal
Last night, as I walked down the road, street lights were casting patchy shadows of trees onto the pavement. 

My intention was to draw shadows in the semi-darkness at the Record Club. However, I sat with friends and felt too self-conscious to do it. Instead I took some photos and used them as my source material back at home. 

I tried to portray something of the 'uncertain identity' of the shadows in the drawings. In the first one (above) I built up layers of pastels and charcoal. The composition creates a feeling of depth & shadows without being totally clear about the subject matter.

However, I prefer the second, more quickly sketched, drawing which I find more lively and mysterious.

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